Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mesa College Campus Map

I found inspiration for this project by browsing through different public art works. There are many artists who use the environment around them to send different massages about politics, culture and their social circumstances. Artists such as Banksy and Mel Chin, but in this project I am trying to use art and design as a tools to inform other students and whoever is new to the campus about what is happening around them in Mesa College. In this project I placed the Mesa college map on a crosswalk walls, and I got the idea of doing this from a personal experience. Last summer I went to Mesa College to buy a book. It was the first time I was going to Mesa College, and I was lost for an hour looking for the bookstore. I finally managed to use my phone to find the Mesa College map in order to find the bookstore. That very moment I realized that it was not just me who is confused and lost, and there must be many other students looking for the library or other buildings. From this experience I got the idea that I can create something beautiful and useful, using crosswalk walls as my canvas. In my opinion this would help many students and parents, who are not familiar with the Mesa to find places they are looking for without walking around for hours trying to find the direction. In my opinion, if large maps positioned in key areas many will find them useful. It should be visible and easy for everyone to work out where they are standing in relation to the college. Another positive point is that in this way we can save material and money. For example, most colleges use papers and posters to print the campus maps and setting up these large maps as a permanent tools can be helpful for people to find their destination without wasting papers and ink. A well designed piece that not only is beautiful, but it also helps us protect our environment.


  1. I agree that it is easy to get turned around on the campus. Nice job on the perspective.
    -Toni W.

  2. Great idea to put a campus map as art. With your mention of Banksy, it would be awesome to have different versions of the maps throughout the campus in different types of art forms, like graffiti or surrealism, etc. I was lost my first day this semester, since it was over a year since I've been on campus, and I was still lost. Great idea!- Emee A.

  3. Wow! Really good idea to put the map there for reference! I'm sure it would get used a lot! -Roxie Poser

  4. i like the idea, and its very useful and appropriate! Good job -Corita Cazares

  5. I like having the campus map on the wall but I think maybe the placement or size should be changed. Either center the map or make bigger. Patricia Eidelwein

  6. Nice! Maybe you can somehow indicate where all the bathrooms are, I always have trouble finding where they are on the map :).

    -Leslie L.

  7. This is a great idea. Very practical, and a much better use of the space.

  8. Yep, better I think to have a map on a wall instead of erecting separate structures.

  9. Functional and artful - a most successful effort! I think this would be a great idea for the campus to take advantage of. - Ed stroh

  10. There's several maps at the campus but it would be nice to see especially at the center of the campus. -Naoko O.

  11. Haha! this happened to me as well while I was trying to find an unobstructed path to the library. Very helpful idea, and I noticed that the map is even tweaked to show that it is affixed to the wall. Nice job! -Erika Wygal

  12. This should be on every college campus and there should be a map this size in every mall. I hate trying to find that little poster they put up and then have to maneuver around ten people just to get a glimpse of it. Ben H.

  13. That wall is a great place for a map. It's large enough so that names of buildings can be placed as well. -Johnnie R.

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  15. I agree with the other posts, having a large map is really a great idea. When I get lost, it gets frustrating having to look for a directory, but if there are visible maps on the walls of buildings, it would make finding one's way around campus much easier. - Stephanie Huynh

  16. Now that's functional art! Great idea!-Tania Kelvin

  17. A map this huge would have been helpful my first few days not knowing my way around the school. More than one of these should be posted around Mesa. - John Martinez
