Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Dreams" - Patricia Welp Eidelwein

Mesa College is trying to make campus look more modern and it is on its way but I think it needs more inspirational areas to the students. My biggest dream was to come to study in the US and I made that dream come true but I every semester I feel like giving up I wish there was something on Campus that I could look up to and remind myself that this is my dream. My design is to bring everyone’s dream together. If I could see the lanterns work of art in a building I would love to walk by every once in a while and renew my wish or at least remember its not suppose to be easy but it is my dream. And when its all done i want to look up and make a new wish to a new journey.
What inspire me was the pictures from the Southwestern college and the Miracosta college.  Specially the work from Jonnhy Villao, Emily, Kathleen Farmer, and Nate Peirson. This project will bring inspiration and hope to everyone to pursue their dreams. 
Patricia Eidelwein


  1. I really like the idea of the floating lanterns. I think it would be great to even expand the silhouettes of the people to cover the entire window. It's a great picture. Emee A.

  2. Beautiful and different, you've been studying the book and have truly progressed.

  3. I really like what you have done. Makes one want to join in the fun. -Roxie P.

  4. this is so awesome, i like everything about it. I agree with the silhouettes of the people to expand it to fit the window more. Overall great! -Corita Cazares

  5. Positively positive! I hope your dreams keep becoming a reality.
    -Toni W.

  6. I like how there are separations in your images due to the building's architecture, yet the images connect to each other. Very thought provoking.

    -Leslie L.

  7. I love the way you use the the space, except for the window, I think that should have been filled by the silhouettes instead of just the small section at the top. Otherwise great work!

  8. great artwork! Those lanterns are cool in real life too, until they land become litter. -Joe

  9. Nice shading on the silhouette. Definitely a cool Halloween decoration concept. - Ed Stroh

  10. I think this is pretty awesome! Only thing I would like to see perhaps is if you could add more people on the windows to just carry the image all across that section of the windows to match with the images on top. Otherwise great work! -Linda N.

  11. I agree with the others that the picture on the window could be enlarged to highlight the message. But what a mural! I love the message, and think it is very inspiring. Nice concept! -Erika Wygal

  12. Great idea and nice artwork, but where's this? Did Mesa had brown brick stone building? -Naoko O.

  13. Very cool piece but I do like it when the building's name is on it. Ben H.

  14. This is cool piece. I think it would be great if the artwork changed from time to time to represent the time of year; such as, the holidays, etc. -Johnnie R.

  15. Very inspirational piece that I think a lot of students can relate to. - Stephanie Huynh

  16. This is a nice concept and brings joy and excitement by its energy. I would adjust some of the colors though to better go with the building wall around it. Great and ambitious job!-Tania Kelvin
