Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sun and Moon by Laura Ochoa

I believe just something elegant and simple should be added to the roof at Mesa College.  I saw the art within a tattoo that I think is very visually pleasing.   One of the artists on the Art and the 21st Century, James Turrell, made a very interesting comment that  inspired me with this artwork: "I wanted to bring the cosmos down closer to the space we occupy."  That is my hope with this artwork.  Again, also, since most of the campus population is younger, it caters to that crowd since the design comes from a tatoo. 
The breakage in the background inspires another interesting facet of the drawing, adds appeal, and sparks one's curiosity.  Is the universe breaking up?  Can the piece be put back together again? 
The image is above the head and shows the sun, the moon, and a star which can all be seen when one takes the time to look up and contemplate the universe.  Terry Allen, featured artist from the Stuart Collection, has created 2 trees at spark passers-by to look up.  He reinvents a natural site with a literal sense of magic.  My art does the same- enticing passers-by to look up and see the sun and moon through a filter of mythological vision.
Students are busy going from one class to another and additional visual reminders to look up and keep their chins up, is good philosophy to live by.  I was inspired by my very talented fellow classmate who used the same roof but featured the Olympians.   My idea is also mythological.  it's design is simple, able to be easily implemented, and will not look too obnoxious.


  1. I like the idea of putting the sun and moon on the inside of this ceiling. Since what is on the other side of this ceiling would be either one anyways. Great concept! Emee A.

  2. I like the colors of your art work. They are pleasant and soothing. Hopefully the colors will help reduce stress some people could feel at test time. -Roxie P.

  3. i think if you isolated the sun/moon/star itself and remove the pinkish background wld enhance the image better :) i do enjoy the concept and presentation. good job! -Corita Cazares

  4. Very nice placement of your art. I have always enjoyed the sun and moon, but one rarely sees a star with them. I like the colors.
    -Toni W.

  5. Very nice placement of your art. I have always enjoyed the sun and moon, but one rarely sees a star with them. I like the colors.
    -Toni W.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like your design a lot I just wish the background took over the whole space. It just looks like the pink was crop and cut in some parts it doesn't look like it should be like that. Patricia Eidelwein

  8. I like the sun, moon and star, I agree with everyone about the pink part. Maybe you can make the whole background pink so that there's less attention on the sharp edges?

    -Leslie L

  9. It looks good, but the pink part kinda takes away from it.

  10. cool drawing and idea. I think replacing the pink background with a different color would be much more visually inviting. -Joe

  11. Would make for a great display but the artwork could definitely use some tweaking on the draft. Doesn't look very convincing. Try some perspective adjustment/vanishing point tweaks! - Ed Stroh

  12. Love the idea and concept of design, but maybe if you could blend it and carry it on throughout the structure it would make it more interesting because like what everyone posted here, it looks more like a sticker someone stuck on the ceiling. -Linda N

  13. I like how you said "Students are busy going from one class to another and additional visual reminders to look up and keep their chins up is good philosophy to live by." and nice mural. -Naoko O.

  14. I think the transform/warp tool could have made this look more realistic but the idea itself is sound and inspiring, and I like the choice of subject matter used to convey this. -Erika Wygal

  15. I like the design and placement but maybe loose the pink surroundings. Ben H.

  16. i like the idea, it would be cool if there were some glowing stars to add to it. -Johnnie R.

  17. Great idea; it reminds us that art can also be in the form of a tattoo. I think students who are into ink will really appreciate your piece. - Stephanie Huynh

  18. I like the image but would have preferred it to be complete as one and not the separate jagged pieces and edges.-Tania Kelvin

  19. What Cazares said--"Isolate the sun."
    Good job and concept, nonetheless.
    --Tracy Heale
