Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mesa Motivational Mural by Erika Wygal

I propose that a mural should be affixed to a wall surrounding the cafeteria area. The area surrounding the cafeteria is well travelled by many of the students who attend classes at Mesa College. Yet the blue painted walls give off a feeling of restriction. A splash of color added to the area in which students eat lunch would greatly improve the atmosphere. The mural will feature several historical figures such as Martin Luther King and Mahatmas Gandhi. This will give the message to students that even one person can make a difference in the betterment of humanity. The mural, set on the wall in front of which newstands are regularly placed, will symbolize the scale of which change is reached in our community, from past to present. This will motivate the students to strive to achieve their goals, and become all that they can be.
By Erika Wygal


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that this area has a huge amount of traffic and it should be better used. Not only adding art would make it look better you can make a statement in what you present on that wall. - Patricia Eidelwein

  3. great idea to put something on this drab wall. you're right... a lot of high traffic is a great place to put something with a great statement.- Emee A.

  4. Very nice piece of art work. With something so nice on that wall, I hope the magazine racks would be moved. -Roxie P.

  5. i like all the colors and the lines, in addition to the positive message it sends across, i really enjoy this one. -Corita Cazares

  6. You really need to show this to those in charge of that wall. Adds life to a pretty much dead area.

  7. Very nice mural! I enjoy the colors and especially the message of bettering humanity.
    -Toni W.

  8. Nice mural! There's so much going on in it, I keep seeing something new every time I go back and look at it. Great message! :)

    -Leslie L

  9. Nicely done. I always thought that wall needed something.

  10. Hell yeah. Big props on the drawing, that definitely took some time to complete. -Joe

  11. Well done! Very convincing! I'd never have known this was a 'shopped image were it not for the before and after. Bravo! - Ed Stroh

  12. Good idea as far as placement. Dr. King is truly someone we can draw inspiration from to expand ourselves. Ben H.

  13. I like the piece. Nice job with making sure the magazine stands were clearly visible. -Johnnie R.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Great mural with a great message. I like that you were able to keep the newspaper stands in front of the wall. - Stephanie Huynh

  16. What a great place for a mural and especially one containing news worthy history...appropriate for a backdrop to news stands!-Tania Kelvin
