Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Mesa College: Where dreams continue, and where dreams are fulfilled" by Arthur Wilson

Since Mesa is kind of dull all over, I feel that it needs some color to the mix. When you enter the school, for many of us, the first building we see while upon entering is this new Allied Health building at the entrance. Gray is very neutral and dull of a color, not meant to garner attention at all, so how about color? Color is only the aesthetic here, Color is fine, but a mural must have meaning correct? My choice of using President Barack Obama as the subject is because I believe that he embodies hope. The name of this mural would be called, "Mesa College: Where dreams continue, and where dreams are fulfilled". The president had all kind of mental enemies against him like many college students of today. Some are first generation Americans and were told that they would fail. Some are minority and were told that the cards were stacked against. Our great president proved that all of these barriers were merely talk and mental by going for his dreams and becoming president of the United States. Having the colors of America in the picture is as that of unity of all Americans.- Arthur Wilson


  1. I like your concept, but think the mural could have been bigger. That ugly gray wall could come alive with color and meaning if it were bigger. -Roxie P.

  2. It looks more like a banner than a mural, i would suggest making it a little larger as well, but over all good job -Corita Cazares

  3. I agree with the other two posts. It would look good to expand it to cover the entire wall. But great job!- Emee A.

  4. Anything IS possible in America! When coupled with dreams and hard work! Very nice mural!I agree - it should be bigger to truly capture the attention and deliver its message.
    -Toni W.

  5. I like how the colors pop. It is bright and stands out I just wish it was a little big bigger. Patricia Eidelwein

  6. Inspiring mural, I prefer it over they gray building!
    -Leslie L

  7. The mural looks nice, however I feel the space could be used better.

  8. I like the idea for inspiration, but I don't think Obama is the right choice because of his lack of a high acceptance rate. I am not a political nut, but from interacting with the general public quite a bit I know that some people will scoff at this. You can't go wrong with someone like Lincoln, JFK, etc. - Joe

  9. Lighting is well recreated. Good choice!

  10. I love the colors from your design, but I do agree with the others that it is too much like a banner. Maybe if you could blend the edges or have it a different shape to make it flow more on the building it would not be so banner-ish. -Linda N

  11. Nice concept! However, I am confused about whether this is a banner or not. If it is a mural, I might suggest lowering the opacity a tad so that you can see the bricks that it is supposedly painted on. If it is a banner then I agree that the color is much more pleasing to the eye than that of the building. Overall very nice. -Erika Wygal

  12. Great concept, but maybe tone down the color or maybe sculpt it in bronze or something so that it won't look like a banner. Naoko O.

  13. Good message. It could have been a little bit bigger though. Ben H.

  14. I like the idea, I think you could also some other art pieces that connect together to extend the overall look. -Johnnie R.

  15. I think it's a great piece with a great message, and I agree with the other posts in that it could be a bit bigger. - Stephanie Huynh

  16. Not sure if a mural of the president is too controversial or not, but nice idea. If anything, it could be a bit larger.
    --Tracy Heale
