Sunday, November 20, 2011

What time is it?

Attending mesa college, When I had classes around the area  by the library and building D and B. I spent a great deal either on the benches or the picnic tables working on homework or studying and there were many times where I have lost track of time when doing work. I though it would me a great idea of a clock right in the middle so people would know what time is it when they walk pass. I do not recall any type of time system out in that area and it will probably reduce late attendance and contribute to time management. The clock I choose was a street vintage clock that is red, I am obsessed with vintage, I think it will give character to the area, something different something out of place but still with a purpose. -Julie Ann San Juan


  1. Great idea! There's not enough clocks around campus! And I love the idea that it's a vintage clock, since in these modern times, many people rely on their cell phones as a clock.- Emee A.

  2. Very beautiful clock placed right there in the middle of open space for everyone to see and appreciate. -Roxie P.

  3. awesome standing clock, good presentation and its very helpful indeed! -Corita Cazares

  4. Something vintage in a modern environment. Nice.

  5. Nice. Vintage is a great reminder of where we have been and where we can go from here.
    -Toni W.

  6. I would love to see that clock on campus. Patricia Eidelwein

  7. I like it! I like vintage items as well, you're clock would be fun to stare at, and practical!

    -Leslie L.

  8. This clock would be a great addition to the campus. It'll really help the students get to class on time.

  9. Cool idea! Vintage clocks are great. Also one less reason to have to spend time with our cellphone :) -Joe

  10. I love this idea. I would go crazy over a touch of steampunk styling on campus. - Ed Stroh

  11. Great Idea and I love how you chose a vintage clock to add in front of the art gallery which contrasts really well since the gallery is very modern looking the vintage adds art character to it. -Linda N.

  12. That is a great idea! when you think about it, there is no clock at the campus except for the clock in the class rooms which that acts up once in a while and they are never correct. -Naoko O.

  13. Love it! The only constructive critisism I have is to maybe tweak the hue of the clock so it doesn't clash so much with the surrounding buildings. Great job! -Erika Wygal

  14. I like this one a lot, i wouldn't mind seeing what time it was without having to pull out my cell phone, plus it gives the campus a old time new school feel

  15. I like clocks with arms. I know everyone has a clock on their phone but I think public clocks like this one can give a certain charm to an area. Plus more clocks on a campus would maybe help to get students to class on time. Ben H.

  16. I think it is a great place to put a clock. It's useful to have it around as a quick time check. -Johnnie R.

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  18. I agree with you and the other posts - the vintage clock really stands out and is a great piece to have on campus. Functional, yet in itself is a piece of vintage artwork. - Stephanie Huynh

  19. I really like the clock idea. It is a nice contrast to the modern contemporary surroundings, and reminds people of an older time where clocks were used to check the time, not cell phones! - Tania Kelvin

  20. That would be really cool and helpful. Great theme.
    --Tracy Heale
