Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pandamonium by Emee A.

My proposal is to put a mural up of multi-colored pandas to bring up awareness of pandas and any other endangered species. Due to major developments in China, the giant pandas have been driven out of the lowlands in where they once lived. Also their low birthrate is a contributor to their low population. Thanks to a couple zoos and other research firms, giant pandas have been bred at various facilities, like our local San Diego Zoo. My hope is that creating a vivid expression of pandas will make viewers more empathetic to pandas and any other endangered species. I chose pandas because I notice when most people view them, they look at them as sweet, cuddly and innocent, many times putting a smile on people’s faces. So instead of putting something dark or rough, I wanted students and staff to have a feeling of warmness as they passed by the mural. I feel this mural should also go up because it adds some color to a drab, lifeless space.


  1. Very nice. Gives the students something purposeful to think about.

  2. Very nice concept. Made me smile when I saw it.-Roxie P.

  3. woah pandas! Easy on the eyes, and the colors help brighten the building. Id suggest maybe increasing the height to reach the top of the building. -Corita Cazares

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  5. Corita- that's a great suggestion! thanks!- Emee

  6. Nice use of colors. A great design to take away the drabness of the concrete.
    -Toni W.

  7. When I read your proposal I like the design better. I love the idea behind it. Preserve nature. Patricia Eidelwein

  8. I think it's a great idea how you're bringing some life to the campus. It's nice to see some animal life there, even if it is still life.

  9. Yes, love animals! I know the SD Zoo is bigtime into panda conservation, maybe put a link above the pandas to their website directing to a panda landing page. -Joe

  10. Cool idea. Could have been blended in with the wall a little better but I like it anyway. I'd love to see this on campus! :] - Ed Stroh

  11. I really like your idea and work here. I think the colors are great idea to bring life into this wall. The only suggestion that I have is to maybe have the image/design carry on to the top and bottom of the wall because it kind of look like someone placed a banner across the wall. I think by filling in the whole wall it would look more like a mural. Other than that I love the concept and the idea! -Linda Nguyen

  12. Great mural! I like the concept of raising awareness of animals. However I'm not sure if the students would understand this purpose from looking at the mural itself. Maybe a line about helping out the environment or making the world a better place, added to the bottom, could make this more clear. -Erika Wygal

  13. Cool pop art! something different and new!nice work. Naoko O.

  14. Nice use of color and repetition. Maybe adding some quick tidbits about pandas throughout the wall. -Johnnie R.

  15. This is really cute. Nothing like looking at a wall of multicolored pandas to lighten up the mood. I agree with the other posts, it makes me smile. - Stephanie Huynh

  16. I like this mural. It combines old pop art with new ideas, like a PSA for endangered species. This can be a series. Very eye catching.-Tania Kelvin

  17. loving the Pop art style like a Warhol piece. I always felt the building needed some color, having to pass by it four times a week.
    - John Martinez

  18. Great idea and great photoshop work!
    --Tracy Heale
