Saturday, November 19, 2011

Allied Health Art Proposal

by Kim Lam

The site that I chose for my public art proposal is the Allied Health Building at Mesa College. It is a very important part of Mesa College’s education as it is a state of the art building that is designed to help train and teach Mesa’s students who are interested in pursing a career as a medical assistant. There are six programs offered within Allied Health the two most popular programs are Dental Assisting and Animal Health Technology, for this reason my principal idea for the building was a colorful design that would not only bring life to the building but invite the students to explore the Allied Health Building. It will help make the campus a better place by attracting potential students to explore the building and pique their interest in enrolling into one of the health programs and pursing a medical career. It will also help new students be able to recognize the building through these unique designs. I believe it is a potential winning project because its a unique concept for a campus building; bright colors are head turners and what better way to do so then to give life to something as important as the Allied Health Building.

My project was greatly inspired by two artists in the Stuart Collection: Barbara Kruger & Bruce Nauman. I was really impressed by Barbara Kruger’s work for the Price Center East that consists of a massive image with two clocks and is decorated with several phrases that depict important factors & events that accommodate our daily lives. Her use of images & text conveys an eye catching and powerful message to the world. Bruce Nauman’s work at the Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory is amazing, his pairing of words (the seven virtues) in blinking neon run like an architectural ornament atop of the building creating a breathtaking and beautiful sight. Both works inspired me to combine images & fluorescent text in my project, in order to create an eye catching sight that will catch the eyes of new and existing students to visit the Allied Health building.


  1. I like the concept of your art proposal. The artwork makes the building look much more friendly and inviting.
    -Leslie L

  2. I agree with Leslie, I liked the concept of the proposal.-Naoko O.

  3. It is very helpful to be able identify these buildings! Nice work - it brightens up the otherwise sterile appearance.
    -Toni W.

  4. I didn't even know this was an Allied Health building. Great idea to propose a piece that actually defines the building.- Emee A.

  5. There are so many occupations open to students now days that bring some choices to light may help a student go down a path they never knew existed. Really nice way to advertise the opportunities available and where to get information to pursue careers in those areas. -Roxie Poser

  6. this is a very nice and well thought out design and presentation, colors are good, and the organization is pleasing too. -Corita Cazares

  7. This drab building needs help badly. I have no idea why Mesa put a building that color on campus. I love your idea.

  8. I like the concept and the wall art. I just wish the dogs were placed in another wall. Patricia Eidelwein

  9. This looks great, very fitting for the building.

  10. I think the part I like the best is the red cross identifying it as the allied health building. Great idea! -Erika Wygal

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. More hospitals need something like this to be more identifiable. The building looks better and it gives students an immediate clue on what it is. Ben H.

  13. This is a great way of making an unknown building easier to find, especially on a large campus. -Johnnie R.

  14. Good idea - I like when I can tell what building are being utilized for what. - Stephanie Huynh
