Friday, November 18, 2011

Multicultural Mural Installation Proposal -Johnnie Rivas

The project I am proposing is a multicultural mural installation on the side of a building. As a college student of minority background, I believe that diversity goes beyond the physical presence of diverse people at an institution of higher learning. It is easy for a student to blend in and fall into the background at an institution causing some students to feel unwelcome and/or out of place. By displaying such a mural, it not only supports diversity but it upholds the commitment by the institution to have a diverse and supportive campus. UCSD is a good example of this as they have installed a permanent multicultural mural along the side of one of its lecture halls. The UCSD mural comes from artist Mario Torero who worked with students to conceptualize the piece. It is the first time in the history of the school that a permanent outdoor work of art reflects the history of a minority community. The mural present in my piece comes from the installation at Cal State Dominguez Hills as part of their 50th anniversary. It was installed last year in mid August and was a collaborative effort by artist Eliseo Silva and students.  I believe all campuses could benefit from multicultural art pieces. They represent history that many are unaware of and could benefit the overall climate of a campus. - Johnnie Rivas


  1. Nice mural! The colors are very pleasing and there is enough content that I can picture students stopping to "really look" at the mural. Nicely done.

  2. Very nice! Very colorful and brings up the brightness to campus. Did you do the art work? -Naoko.O

  3. I have to agree with the others that the colors really stand out and its rather inviting and not overly stimulating. I've seen the mural at UCSD, and i think this would be a good addition that would enhance multiculturalism within a campus setting. Good job -Corita Cazares

  4. That looks really nice! I agree the mural's colors are a real head turner that would surely have students stopping by & admiring different cultures which is such a great concept. -Kim Lam

  5. Nice work! Looking at this mural would make me feel united with the other students of the college.

    -Leslie L

  6. I like that the colors 'pop' out to greet you! It would be a piece that I hope would draw a crowd to discuss the art work and truly bring everyone together, rather than quickly passing everyone by with headphones stuck in their ears and eyes down to the ground. The latter doesn't help anyone feel welcome anywhere.
    -Toni W.

  7. The is a beautiful and colorful educating piece you choose to put the wall. Amazing!!! -Julie Ann San Juan

  8. Great choice. Beautiful colors to add to a drab wall!- Emee A.

  9. I like how you used the whole wall and also the colors. It look great. Patricia Eidelwein

  10. This was my original comment but forgot to add my name. I can't figure out how to add my name to the existing one, so I'm submitting it again.

    Nice mural! The colors are very pleasing and there is enough content that I can picture students stopping to "really look" at the mural. Nicely done. Roxie P.

  11. This one reminds me a lot of my submission.

  12. Incredible detail. I love murals like this. It makes you what to take the time to look at everything in it and reflect on what the artist is going for. Ben H.

  13. I love this mural - it's intricate and really gorgeous. - Stephanie Huynh

  14. This is a beautiful mural full of life and color. Great choice for a long open wall.-Tania Kelvin
