Thursday, November 17, 2011

Design Center- Naoko Ogura




I chose to do a Public Art in Mesa Design Center. The place was completed in the middle of Fall semester in 2010 and I have found out that a lot of people doesn’t seems to know the place is located. So I wanted to create something that we can say that the Design Center is at where you see “that public art,” like a landmark because what we have right now is less inspiring for the design/creative students.
My inspiration was from the art of Robert Irwin's Two Running Violet V Forms. I looked at other public arts but my eye kept going back to his work. When I first saw that, I thought it was a glass. But as I read his ideas, I even like it more. He wanted to use the quality of lights and variety of lights of nature. Since the location I chose was more close to the residents, I thought that I could not really do a big art. However, I wanted to use the idea of the variety of lights that goes through the glass tower that I created. So my idea would be to create a centerpiece using a glass at the courtyard of the Design Center. I want to create an art using the glasses and built them up in different levels just like each student we all have different level, goals and perspectives. The glasses reflect or see through the light or students themselves and by looking at them I hope they can interpret their thoughts and ideas to their work. I think I should win this competition because I have a lot of thoughts to this place and when we moved from the old building to this new site, we the Interior and Architectural students were really fascinated. However I think right now the campus seems to be apart from each other. Also the programs that are offered from Design Center are the one of the best programs in San Diego. I would like to make this place that is as good as the program. -Naoko Ogura


  1. The piece you created was very interesting and looks like a piece of architecture, very appropriate for being in front of an architecture building. Good job! -Roxie P.

  2. I like how you decided to present a piece of architecture to help reiterate the importance of public art as a landmark. Good idea and presentation -Corita Cazares

  3. I like your idea of creating an art piece that represents the students levels & goals, and that also highlights the importance of Art. Very cool concept - Kim Lam

  4. Great choice! I also don't know where this place is located, but I would go to it to see the landmark, I like your use of glass.

    -Leslie L

  5. I enjoyed the perspective of the different levels and goals. We are all, not just students, but the human race, at different levels of understanding and acheivements.
    -Toni W.

  6. I would love to see more architectural art pieces around the Mesa campus. Great concept!- Emee A.

  7. I think it would be an interesting design to see it in person. Patricia Eidelwein

  8. What an odd sculpture, I love optical illusions like that.

  9. This could be a really cool sculpture. -Joe

  10. Great idea of the glass and levels. It really adds to an otherwise drab area. Ben H.

  11. Interesting piece. This place definitely needed some artwork present. -Johnnie R.

  12. Good concept - it's always nice to see unique artwork in an area where other great artwork is created. - Stephanie Huynh

  13. That's a really great looking sculpture, adding great art to go with the contemporary feel of the buildings. -Tania Kelvin
