Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sea Life - Roxie Poser

I chose one of the building photos given to us rather than take my own photo.  Having never been to the Mesa College campus, I don't know the type of classes held in this building so couldn't incorporate art to go with building use.  Having seen pictures of the campus, the buildings look so cold and uninviting.  I moved to San Diego from Montana where there are no oceans, so I am mesmerized by the ocean and everything in it.  I snorkel whenever I can as well as go to aquariums to view underwater life.  I recently returned from Hawaii where I saw a sea turtle while snorkeling.  When I found a picture of a sea turtle on the internet, I knew I had to use it.  In aquariums, I can stand for hours watching the jellyfish float through the water.   After  finding an appropriate picture of a jellyfish on the internet, I used it as well.  I liked Barbara Kruger’s art in the Stuart Collection where she took a huge, blank wall and proceeded to put many images of clocks on the wall.  She commented she wanted to “create a space of visual pleasure, comfort and relevancy”.  All of a sudden a blank, boring wall became interesting and most likely a conversation piece.   Following the inspiration of Ms. Kruger, I tried to use artwork to liven up a building with the idea it would create a more pleasant atmosphere.  Everyone gets stressed out taking classes and some need to juggle work, homework, childcare, and more.  Adding art work to the cold facade of the buildings may make the students college experience more pleasant and comfortable.
-Roxie Poser


  1. cool idea... you can't have too much ocean!!

  2. I love the serenity of the water and the creatures! It is easier to have an open mind when we are not so overwhelmed by our surroundings.

    Toni W.

  3. the image is very colorful and vibrant and fits perfectly among the rest of the foliage around campus. very nice -Corita Cazares

  4. I love how well the image contrasts with the building, I agree it fits perfectly & gives it such a beautiful appearance. Awesome concept. - Kim Lam

  5. I agree with you how you said that the buildings look so cold and uninviting. But with the art it'll definitely brighten up the area. -Naoko O

  6. I love your concept, esp the jellyfish on the side. -JulieAnn San Juan

  7. Really cool. Reminds me of those Wyland underwater paintings. Great idea!- Emee A.

  8. I love this projects. The pictures are beautiful and they look really good on the building. Patricia Eidelwein

  9. It looks nice, but I don't quite think it fits. I mean, it just looks out of place.

  10. Anything that inspires someone to explore our natural surroundings like this picture does is a great idea. Ben H.

  11. i love the ocean, and i think a sea turtle is a good addition. It would be awesome to feature other sea life as well. -Johnnie R.

  12. Really beautiful piece - tranquil and peaceful. - Stephanie Huynh

  13. Beautiful! Ocean life is so pertinent to a campus in San Diego. Nicely done.-Tania Kelvin
