Monday, December 12, 2011

Experience California

Since I have never been to Mesa College I can not say where this location is at. What I am trying to achieve with these pictures is to get people outdoors and experience the simpler things in this state that are also our most precious treasures. Since I've lived in San Diego I noticed that many people like myself are not from here. Many people are not even from this state and do not realize how much beauty and enrichment it has to offer outside of our beaches. Hopefully, pictures like these will inspire people to venture out more in nature and in turn, be more proactive in keeping our natural surroundings in tact.

Ben Hasdovic


  1. i really like the concept and the theme, however I think they could have been a little bit more blended into the side of the wall. - Corita Cazares

  2. I always like everything that tries to preserve nature. I think the pictures are beautiful and can make us appreciate more our surroundings. Patricia Welp Eidelwein

  3. the plants complement the pictures your have chosen for your art piece, very well thought out and put together. - John Durazo

  4. i like how the pictures represent some of the climates California has to offer. -Johnnie R.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like that you included images of a lake and of a rock climbing spot. It shows that San Diego has many great places to go to. We have really great beaches here, but we have a lot of other really great destinations that are equally as fun. - Stephanie Huynh

  7. I like your concept, but agree with Corita about the transition between the images.-Tania Kelvin

  8. I like your transitions of quintessential California experience. for the first one should try use clone stamp tool to fix the plant or make second layer of plant and overlay it. keep up good work! - John Martinez

  9. I love your theme. Good pics and nice job of positioning.
    --Tracy Heale
